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b o r o g o v e s

one little thing

one little thing

gotta run to class, but i've got one little thing to say about karl. i love him dearly, more so as time passes, but every once in a while he says something that makes me squirm just a bit. last night he said it again: he can't imagine being without me, and i make him happy.

'kay. so. that's nice, in a way. he loves me; he's trying to express just how much. howEVER, though i don't have any immediate plans to go anywhere, one can never tell what will happen in the future (i may fall out of love with him; i may get hit by a bus). also, we've really only known each other for a couple of months--does he not remember life before that? was life before that so very bad? was he not happy until he met me? it's a lot of pressure, to be the thing that makes someone happy. i called him on it last night ("i hope i'm not the only thing that makes you happy") and he said, "well, there is the crack." humor is good. i approve. i got the point--no, he was exaggerating for romantic effect--but still. one day at mom's house after a few beers, he got all sullen and told me he didn't want to lose me and he was so much happier with me. i told him i wasn't planning on going anywhere. he said that he missed his friends back in england, missed the comraderie of university. it had taken him a long time to make friends at university, and then he went and graduated and moved across the ocean from them. [silly boy] i worry that he relies a bit too much on me for company and friendship. it's not like he doesn't have any other friends, but his good friends are all in england and his american friends are really just acquaintances who he mostly met through his brother.

is this something to worry about? or do i just have too much time on my hands?

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