all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

the i-hate-andreas-vollenweider club

the i-hate-andreas-vollenweider club

i think i can say, with only the slightest bit of exaggeration, that there is nothing finer in the state of chiner than mp3s. mp3s were sent from the gods. i have 7gb (that's right, *giga*bytes) of music on my computer. every time i have a hankering for a song, i can go download it (with my blazing fast, 10 mbps university connection--rock on academia). people give me cds of vast portions of their music collection. digital music, o how i love thee.

right now, i'm listening to apocalyptica, four finnish guys who play hard rock on their cellos. they have a whole set of metallica covers. it's fabulous. anyway, i got this music from laura's husband d--- (who i'm not mentioning by name anymore, but see this entry). he made me a cd of cello and harp music. so it's got apocalyptica, which i'd not had before and am grateful for, a celtic harp collection which i've actually already got on cd, and a WHOLE BUNCH of andreas vollenweider.

you probably don't know much about andreas vollenweider. be glad. he's a harper (a person who plays the celtic, or folk harp. people who play the pedal, or classical harp are called harpists). he plays this soothing, cheesy harp music, accompanied by flutes and synthesizers and the like (not that there's anything inherently wrong with flutes and synthesizers. they have been used to great effect by many other musicians. people like vollenweider give them a bad name. him and kenny-fucking-g, who may be even a bigger boil on the face of music than andreas v. maybe only because he's more famous). i mean, i suppose that if you like kenny g, you'd like him. but if you like that kenny g, you have no taste. right, so i can safely delete all that vollenweider crap from my computer, and bring myself down off the ledge by listening to some more apocalyptica.
a h h h h h h h h h h h ............. they are so very wonderful...

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28 March 2007 - due date
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