all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

swartzenegger becomes a mathematical biologist

swartzenegger becomes a mathematical biologist

i'm transcribing a lecture given at penn over a year ago by one dr. m nowak. he's a mathematical biologist* who does research on the evolution of language. he sounds JUST LIKE arnold swartzenegger. sadly for him, he doesn't *look* like arnold. the lecture is particularly hard to transcribe because his accent is thick and he says things like 'acCURacy' with the accent on the second syllable.

*he introduces the audience to the concept of a mathematical biologist with the following joke [read it to yourself in a swartzenegger voice]: there's a man and a flock of sheep, and another man comes by and says, "if i can guess the correct number of sheep in your flock, can i have one?" and the shepherd says, "sure, try." and the man looks at the sheep and says, "eighty-three." and the shepherd is completely amazed, and the man picks up a sheep and starts to walk away, and the shepherd says, "hang on. if i guess your profession, can i have my sheep back?" and the man says, "sure, try." "you must be a mathematical biologist." "how did you know?" "because you picked up my dog."

ha ha. ha.

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