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b o r o g o v e s

it's hot, so i'm peevy

it's hot here. hot and sticky. love that east coast weather. so i'm peevy and i thought i'd share.

  1. people who try to be nice by holding open doors, but end up just getting in the way. i've always got my bike, and people often try to be nice by holding doors for me. i appreciate the thought, really. but PEOPLE. if you're going to hold the door for me, get OUT OF THE WAY. instead of pulling the door open from the outside, and standing out of the way, people often open it, walk through, then hold it open with their arm/body. but hello? i've got a BIKE. i take up room when i've got my bike. you aren't helping if you force me to squeeze by you. it's easier for me just to get the door myself.

    mostly, this happens with regular doors. but sometimes, people hold open elevator doors, too. this is less annoying, because they usually don't get in my way (the openings to elevators being pretty big and all). but it's totally unnecessary. see, they've got these sensor things nowadays. sensor things that (get this) *sense* if something's in the way of the elevator doors (like, say, a BIKE), and keep the doors open until said thing is out of the way.

  2. people who name their twin children similar names. (these are real twin names that i've come across recently)
    -kevin and kelvin
    -esther pauline and pauline esther (aka ann landers, recently deceased, and her twin sister, dear abby)
    -rivaldo, ronaldo, and ronaldhino. they're not actually twins, or triplets, or even related (as far as i know). rather, they're brazilian soccer players. but still, it's ridiculous.

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