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b o r o g o v e s

crazy nighttime spazz-out

karl: do you remember the number from last night?
actually, for the first time ever, i do. it was 4.2. often, after we get into our lovely bed, with lovely clean flannel sheets to keep us warm in our warm apartment (we have to open the window in the bedroom a bit a night so we can enjoy the lovely flannel sheets keeping us warm), i drift off into semisleep while karl is still talking to me. he'll realize after a bit, and continue talking, but change the topic to something crazy, like the trip we took to the moon where i skinnydipped in the moondust ocean with the astronauts, but i will have no recollection in the morning, and he'll have to tell me about it between giggles. anyhow, last night as i was drifting off, he said "you're not going to remember this conversation in the morning" and i think i said "probably not" and he told me to remember 4.2 and i did!

so all puffed up proud at remembering 4.2, i was brought down again when he asked me if i remembered waking up in the middle of the night. um, no?

i woke him up with some paniced searching under his pillow. what was i looking for? the cloth. the cloth! of course, the cloth! i have no idea what kind of cloth, except that i vaguely remember it being a special kind of cloth, which meant that the frantic searching was completely rational. the only thing i said to help out was that it was a 'colander plastic' or something that sounded like that. i know that colander plastic does not evoke the term 'cloth'. i really juat have no idea.

at this point, i apparently lost interest in the colander plastic and started searching for the piggy. now, i do have a (guinea) piggy, so this wasn't entirely crazy, except that it was the middle of the night, and she was in her cage in the other room and not in bed with us. karl let me look for her for a bit, totally confused about what the hell was going on, and finally tried to go back to sleep, with me still searching around under his pillow. i remember being a bit put out that he wasn't concerned that i had lost a piggy.

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28 March 2007 - due date
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