all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

heyyyyy youuuuuuu guyyyyyyyyys!

heyyyyy youuuuuuu guyyyyyyyyys!

i was just reminded by mimi smartypants of my childhood fear of the electric factory. it came on right after sesame street*, which i loved. for some reason (i think it was the "heyyyy youuuuuu guyyyyyys!" part, though i was none too fond of the logo, either, even though today i do get a nostalgic kick out of ridiculously shaped and color-paletted 70s-era graphic design such as this), i got terrified of it, and after sesame street was over, i would have to run to the tv (the days before remote control, you know) and quickly turn it off, before the theme song to the electric factory came on. sometimes i wouldn't get there in time, and would be reduced to running out of the room and requiring someone else to turn off the tv.

* this story not cued to memory by mimi's near constant rambling about sesame street, but rather by her upsetting little house on the prairie experience.

pet peeve: why does trader joe's grocery store, which i very much like in most respects, except that it is not located near my home, and is in fact only semi-conveniently accessible on my way home from my weekly riding lesson way the heck out in malvern (34.39 miles, according to mapquest), insist on packaging all its produce in plastic boxes and shrink wrap? for a organic, all-natural, herbal-tea-and-muesli kind of store, this seems like an anomaly.

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28 March 2007 - due date
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06 December 2006 - 24 weeks


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