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b o r o g o v e s

the snow storm that wasn't

the snow storm that wasn't

so the weather folks have been predicting, with their usual giddiness, "the biggest, baddest nor'easter to hit the east coast in decades!" for the last week. snow was supposed to start falling sunday, and continue all day monday, through tuesday morning. all in all, we were supposed to get upwards of a foot (or 2!) of snow. here it is, monday afternoon, and we've got nuthin. it snowed a bit yesterday, then turned to rain. sleeted a bit this morning, then turned to snow for a while, then stopped entirely. i wonder how they can have all this fancy, up-to-the-second doppler radar etc etc etc and not be able to predict storms better than they do. they've gotten everyone into a tizzy (at the supermarket on saturday, all the shopping carts (all of them) were being used. not a one to be had. customers were reduced to hunting down people in the parking lot who were loading their cars, staking them out, and pouncing on their carts the moment they closed the trunk) and all for naught. a little dusting of icy snow. big freakin deal.

the good news about yesterday, though, was that i actually got off my duff and (a) did laundry, (b) cleaned the guinea pig cage, and (c) got in a full 8 hours of work (that mostly consisted of completely failing to understand w.v. quine's article two dogmas of empiricism, but hey) even though i didn't get started until after 4. laura and i have recently (this semester, anyway) started the routine of settling in at the starbucks downstairs for hours, reading and talking. aside from the time we spend chatting cattily about students-slash-jen, we actually help each other out by alternatively providing useful information and keeping the other sane. it's lovely, really.

and on that note, i'm off to starbucks!

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