all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

second anniversary

today is karl's and my second anniversary. 2 years. and just yesterday i learned a new thinga bout him. there's this picture of him as a, oh i dunno, 3 year old? 4 year old? he's naked except for a pair of red wellies. what i hadn't known before was *why* he was naked but for red wellies. turns out, he wanted to garden with his dad, and dad took one look at him and said "you can't garden in those clothes. go inside and take of those clothes and put on your red wellies." so he did.

two years in, i find myself thinking about marriage. on the one hand, i'm wanting it. the goofiness that would be calling him my husband. the sexiness of the ring on his finger. the public announcement that We Are Together. the recognition of governments, allowing us to get jobs in each others countries without visa hassles. (what was that movie with andy mcdowell and gerard depardieu where he married her for a green card? we wouldn't be like that. we wouldn't have to study to answer questions like "what's his favorite football (by which i mean soccer) team?" (answer: everton).) on the other hand, marriage is so...forever. which of course isn't true. but i'd really rather not have to end it sometime in the future. do you *know*?

i guess you don't, really, which is part of the point. if he asked me, i'd say yes. i don't know if i'm quite ready for him to ask me, though. and it's possible that i've scared him off asking me by repeatedly mentioning (though not recently) that i'm nervous about marriage, what with my history of a broken engagement (see the beginning entries of my diary if you don't know about this). 'course, if i were ready to get married now (hey, i've still got the dress. we could jet off to vegas tomorrow!), i'd just ask him. i'm all for equal rights (this right being "the right of the woman, just like the man, to make herself really vulnerable and risk a bigtime shootdown"). but i'm not ready yet, i don't think (could i hedge a *little* more? i don't think so.) someday. i'm sure about that. and if the day comes when i finish grad school (don't hold your breath, here i am writing a diary entry rather than doing my ph.d. afterall), and we want to move to england, we might have to do the green card (that was the movie) thing. sigh.

for now, however, we'll be happy celebrating 2 years, and the recent acquisition of the kickass surround sound system. bring on the action movies!

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28 March 2007 - due date
16 March 2007 - 14-38
16 March 2007 - 14-38
01 February 2007 - 32 weeks
06 December 2006 - 24 weeks


gay? bi? human. - << - ?? - >>
academia - << - ?? - >>
pierced - << - ?? - >>
alice in wonderland - << - ?? - >>
red - << - ?? - >>