all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

boys and laundry, weekend update

as i'm sure you know, boys are useful. they are especially useful for things like getting rid of the dead mice that were skull-crushed by a spring trap, and killing the giant chernobyl roaches that sometimes come out of hiding and onto the kitchen floor. but as dear as they are, they do not know a goddamn thing about laundry. my boy refuses to wash clothes on 'cold'. he thinks they don't get clean. i mean, come on. unless your clothes are really filthy (because, say, you were wearing them when you were having vigorous semi-clothed sex on a ball field after a rain. or you are a construction or mechanic type person who has to contend with industrial strength sweat, grease, and real dirt) they will get clean on cold. they will. i promise. also, he doesn't understand about wrinkles, and the critical role the dryer plays in preventing them. he recently bought a couple of linen shirts. i explained that when he washed them, he should be sure to get them out of the dryer as soon as they'd finished, and hang them up immediately, so he could avoid ironing them. you know how linen is, it wrinkles if you breathe on it wrong. so they were'nt going to be wrinkle-free regardless of whether you take them from the dryer right away, but they will be close enough for a computer programmer to where when he wants that casually rumpled look. so anyway, karl very carefully time the dryer so that he got the clothes out immediately, but, and here's the critical error, he put them from the dryer into his laundry bag, with all the other clothes, so that they were crumpled up in a tight heap, to carry them upstairs. now granted, i overreacted when i saw the laundry bag. really, crumpled shirts are not a big deal in the grand scheme. but it was so disheartening, after he had timed the dryer, to see him pull Very Wrinkled linen shirts from the bag. Silly silly boy.

so now for the weekend. on saturday, i did essentially nothing because i was in the achy (breaky heart*) sore throat stage of whatever illness it is that karl gave me. we watched some tv (tivo'd "family guy"), karl went grocery shopping, i swept and slept. sunday, however, was nearly perfect. we spent the morning in bed, first watching two downloaded episodes of "angel", then having sex. after showers we went picnicing with friends, down by the river. we ate brie baguettes, strawberries, and homemade brownies, threw some frisbee, and blew some bubbles. it was glorious. we topped that off with some coffee in manayunk. karl and i spent some time back home finishing up the latest puzzle, then went off to penn for moonlit movies, shown every week under the stars. last night's show was installment 6 of "gang busters," a 1942 cliffhanger serial, followed by the buster keaton silent film "our hospitality" with live musical accompaniment. for those of you who've seen it, my favorite part was the hilarious train journey down from new york. the bit with the donkey? hahahah! check out the reviews at the bottom of this page.

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