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b o r o g o v e s

The Mystery Of The Door Alarm

i could swear up and down that it wasn't my fault, but really, it probably is, mostly because i'm a dumbass.

b---- is staying with us for a few nights while she's in town having meetings with her committee. last night, she said that she would probably get up early this morning to get into work at a decent hour, to have time to get some work done before her first meeting.

so just after my alarm went off at 7.30, i heard the bathroom door close, and figured b---- was getting in the shower. so i snuggled back into the flannel sheets, because who *doesn't* want more time in the flannel sheets on a brisk fall morning, to give her time to finish up in the bathroom.

at 8.20, i finally wake up and hop out of bed (late! late!) i don't hear or see any sign of b----, so figure that in the last 50 minutes, she's gotten dressed and headed out.

on karl's way out the door, he notices that the alarm is still on. this is a pansy alarm that is just 2 magnets that, when separated, sound an alarm, if you have it set. you can't arm it from outside the house, so it's just to alert us if someone breaks in while we're home. anyway, it's still armed, and we spend a minute or so trying to figure out how b---- got out of the house without waking us, or how she managed to re-arm it. now word on why we didn't wonder if she hadn't actually left yet. duh.

i finally get to work about 9.30, and no one is there. no sign of b----. [for those of you who are currently rolling your eyes so far back in your head that you look like a 14 year old whose mom just asked her why she's wearing her jeans rolled up like that, maybe they need to be hemmed?, remember, karl and i are still ~very tired~ from our epic bike trip this weekend*, and probably not thinking clearly. also, we were BC (before coffee) at that point] i didn't think too much of b---- not being in yet, figuring that she had stopped off at a coffee shop or somewhere to get a little bit of cramming in before her meeting. this is also why i neglected to tell our advisor that she's staying at my house when he came in shortly after i got to work to ask me if i'd seen b---- this morning. (which technically, i hadn't.) thought she might be purposely hiding from him for a bit to get some emergency pre-meeting work done.

another hour or so goes by and our advisor comes back in, having just had a phone call from b----, saying she'd slept through her alarm and was just heading in, to say, "you didn't tell me she was ~staying~ with you~". um, oops?

so i explain to everyone that i thought she'd left my house before i got up, and sorry, i'm a dumbass. so really, no news to report here, just the same old about the intelligence of my posterior.

*karl and i took a bike trip this weekend with e--- and k------ up to bucks county. more later, when i've got the photos on the computer...

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