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b o r o g o v e s

little details

this must be the part of home remodeling that people hate. for a week and a half, we saw PROGRESS every time we came home. but starting late last week, it's been the little details that seem endless, and don't give much bang for the buck.

on thursday they said they'd probably be done on friday, and do the walk through with us on saturday. on friday, they weren't done. on saturday, all they did was put up the cabinet handles. now, granted, that made a big difference, and OH MY GOD I LOVE THE HANDLES THEY ARE PERFECT. (wow, i just scared myself a little with how excited i am about handles.) but it's still just handles. we've got a tall cabinet next to the fridge, that was supposed to have pull-out shelves, but they got the wrong one originally, and have known that it needed to be replaced for 5 days or something now, and are only getting around to it today. taking so long to replace that cabinet has meant a delay in installing the crown moulding around the tops of the cabinets, and prevented us from putting all our food away last night. (but we did do lots of dishes and put away lots of stuff! and cook dinner in our new kitchen for the first time! yay!) feh. i know i shouldn't complain. it's still been only 2 weeks since they started.

wonderkitty with cone, sadly unable to lick herself.  maybe this is why she's mad. in cat news, on saturday we took wonderkitty to the vet to get her stitches out. so she no longer has to wear the cone. but then all my sympathy disappeared when she raked her claws down my chest, leaving two long bloody scrapes right underneath the center of my collarbone. damn cat. i think she's mad for (a) leaving her for thanksgiving, (b) having her spayed and forcing her to wear the cone, and (c) keeping her locked up while the kitchen's being redone. of course, we're about to make it worse by leaving for christmas and either putting her in a kennel or sending her to someone else's house. hopefully, she'll get over it before 2006.

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28 March 2007 - due date
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