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b o r o g o v e s

our new bathroom, a photo essay

mark the date. today i put the first words of my dissertation down on paper. nevermind that they will probably all get changed. nevermind that i haven't even done all the experiments that will be in it, so have no idea what my conclusions are going to be, or even from what angle i will motivate this work. i've written 2 paragraphs. one paragraph about the subjects of experiment 1 (they are native english speaking penn undergrads) and one on the materials i used (beanie babies and other toys, plus an eye-tracker).

so that project is just started. but here's a project that is finished. our bathroom (mouse over photos for descriptions):

the old bathroom. note the fugly pink accent tiles.  also note that i used the flash for this shot, and the bathroom looks whiter and nicer than it really was. the old sink.  lighting here is true to how it was.  ewwww.

the old bathtub area.  note all the mildew.  the trouble started when i pulled down the mildewy shower liner thing seen here, and pulled down a bunch of tiles with it, exposing the rotten wall underneath.

gutted.  they took out the wall tiles, the floor tiles (exposing a rotten subfloor, over by the tub), and the ceiling in the back half of the room. redid the lighting, ceiling, subfloor, walls, and tiling, and primed the walls for painting.

the new bathroom.  we installed the new sink and cabinet, mirror, and mirror lighting, and painted. closeup of the new tile.  same tile on the floor and walls.  it's ceramic 12x12 tile, made to look like slate.

closeup of the sink and mirror.  my favorite part of the new bathroom is our sink faucet.  we were just giddy when we got it hooked up and turned it on for the first time to see the water welling up in the white basin and spilling out the end.  it looks like a spa faucet.  as it should, for $240.  damn, that's embarrassing.  but we saved so much by getting the sink, cabinet, mirror, and lights at IKEA!  that's what we're telling ourselves, anyway.

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28 March 2007 - due date
16 March 2007 - 14-38
16 March 2007 - 14-38
01 February 2007 - 32 weeks
06 December 2006 - 24 weeks


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