all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

pee IN your pants, dammit

bleh. it's raining here AGAIN. no riding for me today. hopefully it'll dry out tomorrow, so i can test my new saddle...

in my quest to write less, and plagerize more, i copied this from mithras, who copied it from slacktivist:

[T]oday, September 22, is precisely five months since columnist Charles Krauthammer said the following at an American Enterprise Institute forum:
Hans Blix had five months to find weapons. He found nothing. We've had five weeks. Come back to me in five months. If we haven't found any, we will have a credibility problem. I don't have any doubt that we will locate them.

tooting my own horn:
ny: oh, and s.b. said he was going to ask karl if you give good blow jobs.......just so you know
borogoves: any special reason?
ny: ever since i told s.b. that you and i made out that time, he's had these fantasies of you joining us in a threesome.....he asked me how you were in bed, and i was like, well, exactly how should i know that? so he figgered he'd ask karl
borogoves: enh, i think i'll hold up in the blow job dept.
borogoves: never had any complaints ;)
ny: yeah that's what i told him :D

i've been taking a poll, and so far pee my pants is beating pee IN my pants 8-to-5, with one vote for piss myself and one for crap myself (when forced to choose, both of those people peed their pants). pee my pants is ungrammatical for me, it has to be pee in my pants. i guess i'm in the minority, though, because a google search shows 9240 sites for "pee my pants" and only 3520 for "pee in my pants". in my (perhaps overly) sheltered linguistic life, i had never even heard pee my pants until grad school, when i heard it from a fellow grad student from toronto. i thought that it might be a regional dialect difference, along the lines of pop vs. soda or y'all vs. yous guys, but so far i have no such evidence. the philly area is represented in both groups. rounding out pee my pants is new hampshire, new jersey, toronto, and the UK. in the pee in my pants group i've got DC (me, though perhaps there's southern influence, as my parents are from georgia) and massachusetts in addition to philly. if you'd like to chime in, leave me a note. please, for scientific purposes, please include the location where you grew up.

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voyeurs since 8.8.2001

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28 March 2007 - due date
16 March 2007 - 14-38
16 March 2007 - 14-38
01 February 2007 - 32 weeks
06 December 2006 - 24 weeks


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red - << - ?? - >>