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b o r o g o v e s

political links

move-on, that whipper-snapper of a political action group, has sponsored a contest to make 30 second political ads for the 2004 presidential election. the winners are here. my favorites are "child's pay," "polygraph," "what are we teaching our children," "hood robbin'," and "bush's repair shop."

more politics: larry sabato, famed political science commentator and professor at the university of virginia, looks into his crystal ball to give us hints of what's ahead.

huh. i just came across this article on another web journal. it quite interestingly fits into this theme of political links. you have to read to the end (of this brief, well-written, enjoyable essay) to get to the political bit at the end.

stealing another link from ceej: we should all keep in mind, as the election approaches, the lies that our government has told us, and the lengths the bushies will go to to justify their means. it's appalling.

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