all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

shower butler

so my car. it needed a new thermostat. apparently some valve somewhere had failed to open as the car heated up and had therefore failed to allow coolant to circulate. or something. so the coolant stayed on one side and the heat stayed on the other and the whole thing decided enough was enough and broke down. so i needed a new "thermostat, gasket" and a new upper radiator hose (which was apparently damaged in this whole overheating fiasco. anyway, $170 later, i'm all set. so far this year, i've spent oh i don't know about $1200 or so on this car, not including gas and insurance. (well, i don't actually spend the money on insurance. my dad generously pays it, and has said he'll do that until i get a real job or get married or something. (he thought he was done with it back in 1999/2000 when i was engaged, but ha! i showed him! and he's been paying ever since.)) now, this car is 16 years old, 182,000 miles. it's been a good car, and suddenly i'm at least having to think about the possibility of calling it quits on that car. so far, it's still cheaper to keep it, than to get a new (used) car. and isn't there some rule where eventually, all the parts in the car are new? and my 1987 honda will actually be a 1999-2003 honda? and good to go for a while?

in other news, from the Fer Cryin' Out Loud files... have you heard about the TAG shower? or even the general movement of luxury home spas? favorite quote from that one:

Only one thing about the home-spa experience bothers Tag Galyean: the do-it-yourself aspect. "In a resort spa the whole event is about being attended to while you're indulging in the treatments." ... Galyean thinks the best solution is a part-time spa-trained person. "If you are prepared to hire a trained spa attendant�a kind of SPA BUTLER�then you can do it all." [emphasis added]
people. it's a SHOWER. a SHOWER fer crissakes. if you can afford $100,000+ for a SHOWER then you should just GO TO THE WATERFALL YOURSELF. and for the love of god* and everything holy** please say you are kidding me with the shower butler.

*by which i mean the internet
**by which i mean google

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