all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

dum dum dum DUM! entry number one hundred

dum dum dum DUM! entry number one hundred!

i sorta feel like this, the 100th entry, should be about something profound. no, wait, who'm i kidding? that's someone else who's profound--me, not so much.

right then. on to business. i joined the philadelphia museum of art last night. christine, my former neighbor, and i went to see o brother, where art thou?, as part of the pma's wednesday night music/film/food/tours series. the movie was lovely--one of the most beautifully filmed movies i've seen lately. the outdoor scenes practically *glow.* it looks like it was filmed in infrared, except that infrared isn't in color, and this was. george clooney is quite good, and the scene at the end with the dog floating by? brilliant.

anyway, we both joined the museum (thanks you, $25 student membership!), so we can no only go every wednesday night, but generally hang out in the museum at will. SO COOL. back in high school, when i was approximately the uncoolest person around (except for andrew dittmer, who wore his backpack on two shoulders, his socks pulled all the way up, had no t.v. at his house, and knew more about math than any of the teachers in the whole school--'course, he's now a westinghouse scholar), i used to hang out in the smithsonian on weekends with my 3 best friends. it was YEARS before i knew that most museums weren't free (free the museums! museums are people, too!) i've missed it. and the pma has *lots* of great art.

in other news, i smoked some (virtual) crack earlier in the summer (aside: all my major life decisions (where to apply to college, how to deal with my relationship with ben, moving in with john after college, picking a grad school, etc etc etc) seem to have been made under the influence of (virtual) crack) and accepted the job of music director for the u.n.d.e.r.g.r.o.u.n.d s.h.a.k.e.s.p.e.a.r.e company's upcoming production of a midsummer night's dream. so i've got to pick out appropriate music for a string quartet--'appropriate' meaning good, fairly easy, and fitting the mood the director wants, which is dark and unsettled. i've decided on some purcell pieces. for the pre-show music, i've decided that the members of the quartet should each play an unaccompanied solo piece. i've picked out the second movement to j.c. bach's concerto in c minor. it's a lovely movement--slow and thick, like honey. yummmmmmm.

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