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b o r o g o v e s

ren faire 2001

ren faire 2001

before i get to the ren faire, lemme just say that the stoop-sittin was a success. perfect weather, good friends, general merriment. martin didn't show (THERE'S a surprise, eh?) but ryan did. ryan is an md/phd student, new to penn. he's done his first 2 years of med school, in texas, and is here now, to do his phd. anyway, i met him thursday night at becky's house--he came with paul, an nth year student in the psych dept who knows approximately EVERYBODY. paul is a g.a., and so is ryan, so paul brought ryan to becky's party. i, of course, invited them both to the stoop sitting, and they came. so ryan is hot, and i'd like to stake my claim, as it were. we talked quite a bit during the evening, which would lead me to believe that he enjoyed my company (or, i say to myself in an insecure moment, that he was just being polite). i don't have evidence one way or the other about whether he'd be interested in getting to know me a bit *better.*

so laura and i had made plans to go to the pennsylvania renaissance faire today with steve (steve, btw, took the end of romance in stride. just another reason why i like him. really a shame that i wasn't more attracted to him.) and mike, her current beau. well, steve ended up having to do emergency set design for one of the theatre companies he works for, so couldn't come. so it was going to be the 3 of us. we went to the white dog cafe (34th and sansom, SUPERYUM!) for brunch beforehand. the head of the pennsylvania aclu was sitting at the table next to us--mike knows him. after he and his fellow diners left, that same table was occupied by one of mike's current coworkers, her mother, husband, and baby. the baby was adorable (3 months) and laura held her briefly, and teared up. she's a funny one, that laura--such a tough cookie most of the time, but she cries when she holds babies, and when the heroine dies in an opera. it was The Table Of People Mike Knows. anyway, just as we were finishing up, we ran into ryan. he was also just finishing up, and getting ready to go on some stupid tour of rittenhouse square for his g.a. orientation. we suggested he ditch his tour and come with us to the ren faire. with only a little bit of convincing, he did!

so we drove the 1.5 hours out to bumfuck, pennsyltuckey and saw the faire. my favorite thing is the weaponry. they have a Very Wide selection of Sharp Things In Unusual Shapes. man, i have never seen such dangerous looking daggery things. and the *swords*! wow. some of the swords are as tall as me (granted, i'm only 5'2", but STILL). another favorite place is the leather shop(pe). there's a dress there that i saw last year, and still love this year. it's sleeveless, kneelength, with a ragged hem (the natural shape of the leather). and, it laces up the sides, so that each side is slightly open (skin!). i want one in burgandy leather. maybe i'll save my pennies ($170 worth) for next year...

[later] okay, i was just thinking/looking back through my recent-ish entries, and jeezus, why didn't anyone tell me i sound like a friggin 14 year-old (not that there's anything wrong with being 14--they'll grow out of it) with all the whining/overthinking/fantasizing/worrying about men. good GOD woman! get HOLD of yourself! repeat after me: life DOES NOT revolve around men ('cept, of course, that it does. we're all slaves to our reproductive-obsessed dna, after all.) spiderplantspiderplantSPIDERPLANT!

as i'm typing, wuza (one of my guinea pigs, the alpha pig) was chasing miss fergusson (the other, beta, pig) around the cage. when she caught her, wuza actually MOUNTED miss fergusson! dude, wuza! not so much with the lesbian guinea pig sex, huh? i think miss fergusson's in heat, and wuza's frustrated.

maybe I'M in heat... that would explain things...

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