all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

too much karl? naaaaah...

too much karl? naaaaah...

so it's been about 6-7 weeks, now, with karl (see a photo of him, with his bleached out hair (it's normally light ash brown) here). it's all good. we've spent nearly every night together for the past couple of weeks.

it is SO NICE to have someone to sleep with. to talk with in the dark. to keep me warm. to touch and kiss. not to mention, of course, the sex. which (not to rub it in anyone's face (like, for example, poor eloi, whose wife is Very Pregnant and has thus left eloi high and dry so-to-speak, for a while)) is a good time all around. (although, if i could just complain annoyingly about a MINOR issue, karl tends to come faster than i do. and we're still using condoms, so i worry *just* a tad (and by "worry," i of course mean "have thought about in passing once or twice") about what will happen when we finally ditch the horrid things and have some skin-on-skin action. an empirical question, i suppose, if we ever manage to get those pesky hiv tests done.)

karl's friend david, from newcastle england, is arriving tomorrow for a month. so karl and i will not be spending every night together. bummer in some ways, but i will, i think, enjoy a little bit the chance to have some evenings alone/with other friends. we had a conversation (in bed) the other night, actually, about just this. i wondered if it was weird or uncomfortable for us, at this point in our relationship, to be spending so much time together. we decided that it was fine as long as we were both enjoying it, but that we should be careful not to start neglecting everyone else.

i find that i have to restrain myself from saying "i love you" to him. i worry that i'll freak him out if i do say it. but i feel it. let's just keep that between you and me for now, eh?

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28 March 2007 - due date
16 March 2007 - 14-38
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