all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

last couple of weeks with ciara

last couple of weeks with ciara

two weeks ago, i brought my mom's dog, ciara (pronounced /kira/), up to philly. ciara cannot be left alone outside at mom's house (even though there's a nice, big fenced yard) because she jumps the fence. so mom was off to curacao for a week, on her annual nursing conference, and ciara was going to be put in the kennel (which is so not nice for the poor doggy, who spent the first 4 years of her life locked up in some guy's garage). so i volunteered to take her. so she's been with me for 2 weeks. ups and downs, i tell ya.

my apartment here is a bilevel, with narrow metal spiral stairs in between. as athletic and daring as ciara is (and she IS), she can't navagate those stairs. so i have to take her out into the hallway to take her up and down. i had to give the guinea pigs to someone else to watch, because ciara would attack them. i wake up every morning to her whining. can't leave her for more than about 8 hours, cuz she's got to go out, if you know what i mean.

so those are the bad things about having her. there are plenty of good things, too. she's been my running partner, which means that i actually have gotten up and done it almost every morning. she's VERY cute. she greets me with SUCH enthusiasm when i get home at night. she's good company.

the last couple days, i've been out at karl's old apartment, helping him move. brought ciara out with me. i think she likes his place better, (no stairs, carpet), but she peed on his floor two or three times. in one 24-hour period. ugh.

i'll be glad to have her gone, but i will miss her a little bit. dogs are meant for houses, with yards. not apartments with spiral stairs. in case you were wondering.

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28 March 2007 - due date
16 March 2007 - 14-38
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01 February 2007 - 32 weeks
06 December 2006 - 24 weeks


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