all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

how early is too early?

how early is too early?

so i regularly read this advice column in the washington post. the columnist is fun to read, and i mostly agree with what she says.

i have, however, noticed in her column a trend among letters that does not apply to my life, and i wondered if i was weird, or if her readers are self-selected for this trend somehow.

what's the trend, you ask? it seems that many of her readers have more "innocent" first dates than i do. so people will say something like, "it was the second date, and we were kissing for the first time..." or "we've been dating a month and are thinking of having sex." i'm all like, "a MONTH????" my track record (as you know if you're a regular here), is *at least* kissing and more often than that MORE on the first date. and i would think it strange if it took me a month to have sex with a new guy that i really liked (at least, at this point in my life. when i was younger, of course it took longer to get to that point. but now that i'm a full-fledged adult...).

anyway, what do you think? leave me a note and let me know. how far would YOU go on a first date? second date? how long til you're sleeping together?

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28 March 2007 - due date
16 March 2007 - 14-38
16 March 2007 - 14-38
01 February 2007 - 32 weeks
06 December 2006 - 24 weeks


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