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b o r o g o v e s

i feel boring

i feel boring

lately, i've been feeling boring. i go to school in the mornings, i come home at night and (mostly but not entirely) watch tv or a movie with karl. sometimes for variety, we read in bed before turning in. oy. when did we get boring? don't answer that.

last weekend, karl wanted to road-trip to somewhere. anywhere. he suggested pittsburgh. now, not to knock pittsburgh, but i was less-than-hopeful that (a) we would get to pittsburgh before it was time to just go to bed (given that it was already like 11am on saturday) and (b) that we would find anything fun/different to do once we were there. so i vetoed the idea. not that i'm against road-trips--i did drive around the country for 5 weeks last summer. just not road-trips that sound like they're going to be no fun.

so another weekend is coming up, and i dunno what we're gonna do. it's warm here, for january, so maybe we can bike down the river. not that karl has a bike, but he could rent one. bleh.

i feel like i should be learning to rock-climb or pursuing photography or going out dancing or hiking in the appalachians or learning to kayak or something. sigh.

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