all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

yo it's my music diggit

yo it's my music diggit

i got the music yesterday: string (quartet? i have no idea) arrangements for the john lennon songs imagine and woman. i'm to show up to the bassist's (upright, i assume) house at 10 am on saturday morning (which is *early* for me, for a saturday) to record the songs. coupla hours, $65.

so that's all i knew when the guy dropped off the music the other night. so i says to him, i says "yo buddy," (i got street cred, you see, from living in west philly. mangledoll, if you're out there, you can laugh at me, because i SO don't have any street cred), "yo buddy, wazzup wi dis here music thang? why we gonna be recordin' yo?" and he says "drop the lingo girl, you are whiter than skim milk." and i said "well okay, but really, why are we doing this?" and he said "well, it's for a demo record for a hollywood record company, for a tribute album of string arrangements of john lennon's songs. if they like it, i'll use you on the real album."

so you heard it here. in the extremely unlikely event that some hollywood exec likes what we do in some west philly dining room (41st and baltimore, to give you an idea), this may be my 15 minutes of fame.

'kay. off to practice.

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voyeurs since 8.8.2001

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