all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

eek! i forgot about new york!

eek! i forgot about new york!

months ago (MONTHS ago, i tell you!) we the study group (what we used to call ourselves in high school, because, well, we had a study group together and the name stuck, even though we only actually officially met as a study group and *studied* that one time for the american history test. we learned about the glorious revolution of 1588 during which william and mary came to power in england. the revolution was "glorious" because it was bloodless. in case you were wondering) arranged to meet up in nyc this weekend for much fun and galavanting. ingrid was going to be on the east coast for a short time, and wanted to go see jan and erica in nyc. all good.

except that i forgot about it.

erica apparently did too, and i only found out about it (ahem, was reminded of it) when i got a frantic email from erica wondering when i was arriving, and apologizing for forgetting etc etc.

this will be fun, though, as the study group has never been complete (all 4 members present) anywhere except northern virginia, where the study group was born.

except, of course, that i have about a million other things to do. saturday i have a riding lesson, then there's the preakness stakes to watch. sunday morning i was going to take the guinea pigs to the woman who's going to watch them while karl and i are in england. sunday afternoon is laura's gahden pahty. then there's preparing for england (laundry to be washed, house to be cleaned, packing to be done, gift for karl's parents to be bought), then actually *going* to england a week from today. (a week from today!) not to mention all the research-related stuff that needs to be done before j.t. leaves on sabbatical and preparing for the class that laura and i are co-teaching starting july 1. no time NO TIME!


hm. so i don't think i will go to the art museum tonight as planned, but rather, pack for nyc! i think i'll go tomorrow afternoon and come back early saturday morning in time to go riding. oy oy oy.

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