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b o r o g o v e s

my latest gaff, a new baby

so i'm no trent lott, but i could certainly stand to pay more attention to what i say. i sometimes make comments about what my customers at the restaurant do that irritates me. karl pointed out last night, after i had made a couple of such comments at dinner, that i sound mean. i sometimes make other people uncomfortable because i'm belittling restaurant behaviors that they themselves have done. like ask for a refill on the free bread when all they've ordered is a small salad, or pay a $30 with a $100 bill. i do realize after the fact that i sounded mean, when i see the reactions on people's faces. but then it's too late. why can't i realize it ahead of time and not make the comment to begin with?

in other news, after dinner last night (with laura, david, karl, and simon, to celebrate karl's (yesterday) and simon's (today) birthdays), karl and i went to see "the two towers". we got two free preview tickets that a friend had won and couldn't use. whoohoo! it was great! yay! the ents were wonderful. they looked just right. yay treebeard! yay eowyn! yay faramir! yay eomer and denethor!

so karl's birthday was yesterday. he turned 26. the wrong side of 25, as my sister put it, when i turned 26 a year and a half ago. when we got home from the movie (at 2am), there was a birthday message on the answering machine from karl's dad which also had the news that becky, karl's brother's girlfriend, had a baby girl yesterday! i don't know her name yet, but karl shares a birthday with his first niece!

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28 March 2007 - due date
16 March 2007 - 14-38
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01 February 2007 - 32 weeks
06 December 2006 - 24 weeks


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