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b o r o g o v e s

oh, the irony

oh, the irony

rode my bike into school on thursday (3.15) morning. locked it outside the language building. didn't ride it home that night because the cuny conference was in town and i had houseguests who (a) didn't have bikes and (b) did have a car. on saturday morning, i was walking in to the conference and thought i'd walk by where my bike was parked "just to make sure it was still there." it wasn't, of course. my helmet, lock, and front wheel were still there, but my bike was gone. here's where the irony comes in: just the night before (friday night), i sold my other bike. (the other bike was this piece-o-crap hybrid i bought for $35 when i first moved to philly and forgot about when i bought the now-stolen bike.)

of course, i now refuse to walk in to school everyday (the 1/2 hour walk seems eternally long when used to the 7 minute bike ride), so yesterday i went down to trophy bikes (3rd and market, highly recommended) and bought a new one. i just didn't have the time to search bike shops and classifieds for a good used bike. so, i spent $350 i didn't have (see my previous discussions of my accumulating debt). but, i got a nice bike. 29lbs, aluminum frame, shock-absorbing seatpost, sexy black color. it's a jamis crosscountry. see it here.

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28 March 2007 - due date
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