all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

boys all over!

boys all over!

okay, so this is really flattering, this whole personals thing. i get tons of responses (most of which are *crap* -- see two entries ago for samples), and some are very intriguing. i talked to one guy, bryan, on the phone yesterday, and we're going out on sunday night. but now i'm all nervous. why? because i'm afraid that he's going to be disappointed with what he sees in person. [dammit! why do i feel that way? why can't i be secure in my attractiveness, and know that if a man isn't attracted to me, it's not *really* a reflection on me? urg.] so anyway, last night i tried on a couple of things for laura and decided on a purple tank top that shows lots of skin and my "going out" black pants. it's just funny that i'm so nervous about the whole thing, but i guess i've never been out with someone who i wasn't previously friends with. and, i've never really had this "first date" situation either...with both ben and john, the relationship started with a hook-up, not a date. well, stay tuned for the outcome.

so, the title of this entry... suddenly, i'm getting a much higher signal-to-noise ratio with the responses. at this very moment, there are messages from six (6!) men in my hotmail account inbox, all looking promising. and that doesn't even include bryan, with whom i have the sunday date. it's actually a little embarrassing, because i *so* can't keep them straight (is this the web designer poet guy? or the radiology resident skydiving guy?)

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voyeurs since 8.8.2001

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28 March 2007 - due date
16 March 2007 - 14-38
16 March 2007 - 14-38
01 February 2007 - 32 weeks
06 December 2006 - 24 weeks


gay? bi? human. - << - ?? - >>
academia - << - ?? - >>
pierced - << - ?? - >>
alice in wonderland - << - ?? - >>
red - << - ?? - >>