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b o r o g o v e s



does everyone have a meta entry? an entry where they discuss the mechanics/pros and cons of keeping an online diary? well, here's mine (at least, the first one). so i've been writing for over a year now, trying my best to record the significant happenings in my life. i've never been the kind of person who can keep a diary everyday (though, whenever i go on a long trip, like when i went roadtripping august 2000, i make a supreme effor to write everyday, and record even the most banal of moments), so i just try to hit the highlights (lowlights).

have i done that here? what counts as a highlight? no diarist can keep track of all the things that happen, and all the thoughts and feelings of a whole day. doing that would mean that actually *living* life would get left by the wayside in favor of writing about it. so all diarists pick and choose what moments they will include. i'm sure there's some moments from my life of the past year that i *meant* to include, but forgot about by the time i got to my computer. or were usurped by some more pressing event.

i know that when sadie died, there were other things happing in my life, other thoughts i wanted to put down. but i couldn't bring myself to debase an entry about saying goodbye to her with other, more mundane, thoughts. and now, i can't remember what i might have wanted to write, so those thoughts are lost in the fog of time.

i got an email today from erlenweg6 (check out her diary!). she loved my previous entry (personals gems). it's weird to get email from people who've read my diary. i mean, i *know* that it's public and that people (can) read it, but i totally don't expect people to *actually* be reading it (hey, are you out there? is anyone actually *reading* this drivel?). [i shamelessly admit to obsessively checking my "diaries which list borogoves as a favorite diary" list. and am sad that there are only 2 people on it, and that neither of them has written a comment. <:^( but i'll get over it.] i'm waaaaaay more honest in this diary than i am to *any* of the people in my real life, including my closest friends and lovers. so give yourselves high-fives out there in diaryland--you know me better than anyone!

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voyeurs since 8.8.2001

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28 March 2007 - due date
16 March 2007 - 14-38
16 March 2007 - 14-38
01 February 2007 - 32 weeks
06 December 2006 - 24 weeks


gay? bi? human. - << - ?? - >>
academia - << - ?? - >>
pierced - << - ?? - >>
alice in wonderland - << - ?? - >>
red - << - ?? - >>