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b o r o g o v e s

ear in-fucking-fection

tuesday morning i woke up feeling yucky, but went riding anyway (probably a mistake, but l---- had said she rode Ivor the friday before and loved him and i figured if i didn't go she'd ride him again and i might lose him to her. yeah, i know. i'm twelve). then wednesday morning i woke up with a fever of 100.4 (not much of a fever, i know, but more than i've had probably since i was a kid).

a fever! i can't even remember the last tim i had a fever. i was supposed to take karl to an eye appointment because he was having his eyes dialated, but he refused to let me get up off the couch, saying that if i tried, he'd just cancel the appointment. anyway, i kept myself all medicated with advil and the fever went away and i started feeling like a semi-normal human. this allowed me to do a bit of work, which was great since my deposit date is rapidly approaching and i have to finish my revisions before then. no time to be sick!

wednesday night i took some nyquil in the hopes of actually being able to sleep, which i hadn't been able to do the night before, what with waking up repeatedly covered in sweat (duh, fever). the nyquil did what it always does to me, which is to knock me right out and allow me 5 beautiful hours of uninterrupted sleep, then immediately stop working. so at 5 am i woke up with a throbbing head and a swollen and sore throat. didn't want to take more nyquil because i had to get up in a couple of hours, so i tossed and turned the next couple hours until the alarm went off.

when i woke up thursday i couldn't take my temp because i couldn't breathe through my nose. rg. but i advilled myself up and the rest of the day was ok--i even managed to finish my revisions (i hope--gotta run them by my advisor)

thursday night i repeated with the nyquil, but took twice the recommended dose. still woke up at 5 am, but i didn't feel quite as awful as i had the previous night at 5 am. progress! and, i had planned ahead and had two advil next to my bed, so i took those and went "back to sleep." so when the alarm went off at 7.30, i felt reasonably alive.

however, now i'm sitting in my office at school and wondering if i might be getting an ear infection. an ear infection! 30 year old people do not get ear infections! ear infections are the realm of the preschooler! not fair! so i'm going to the doctor because i need to have this fixed up before our trip to belize, which involves both an airplane and probably scuba diving, neither of which are ear infection-friendly. feh. and of course student health (where i am forced to go because i have the super-grad-student-appropriate student health plan!) has no appointments for today so i have to go over there and just sit, hoping the doc will have a few minutes to fit me in. freakin' student health.

edited to add: i just got back from the doctor. i do have an ear infection. i have a scrip and will hopefully be all better in time to go to belize. but what the fuck? who gets an ear infection for the first time in like 25 years the WEEK before her honeymoon? sheesh.

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28 March 2007 - due date
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