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b o r o g o v e s

fuck you very much

ok, i just need to bitch a little about my advisor. so i've been manipulating a bigass excel spreadsheet, cutting and pasting and writing formulas and blahblahblah to get my data into a useable form. i spent the last *week and a half* painstakingly recentering my data so that each experimental trial was centered around the last word in the target sentence rather than the first (e.g. all subject's data centered around "turkey" rather than "toss" in "toss the bat to the turkey.") because the sentences were not pre-recorded, but were spoken live to the subjects, i have 256 (16 sentences X 16 subjects) sentences that i had to recalculate by hand, essentially.

on friday afternoon, i had finished and was doing the last data manipulation step before importing the data to a statistics program to graph it, and see the (hopefully pretty) results, when j---- informs me that there is a totally easy way to do this step *within* the stat program that would've taken me 1 day instead of 7.

fuck you very much, mr. phd advisor, for not telling me about the easy way. it's not like you didn't come in while i was doing this and ask how it was going and hear me say that i was PAINSTAKINGLY AND BY HAND recentering the data! it's not like you didn't fucking know how do it the easy way! I COULD USE A LITTLE HELP HERE FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

(not) graduating

today is graduation at penn. i'm feeling quite depressed about it, like a failure for not being done myself. another graduation that i'm not particpating in. and i'm already feeling anticipatory depression about not graduating next year either.

fucking grad school.

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