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b o r o g o v e s

Soap update

oh man, i forgot about the Soap, until i was looking at the titles of my archived entries. right. so i got the Soap and have been using it for 2 weeks. it's lovely, in all its silvery glory, even if it does smell like old lady perfume. the best thing about it is that it splashes absolutely clean. no residue at all. i have not noticed a dramatic difference in the glowiness of my skin, but then again, my skin wasn't so bad to begin with. don't think i'll order the $37 full-size bar. but the sample sure is nice.

in the style of dusty springfield...

today i iz zo zleeeepy zzzz. got to bed finally at 3am after a night out at CHEESE then karaoking. silly me, i thought that after staying up til 3, freja puppy (5 month old yellow lab puppy we're puppy-sitting. 'j' is pronounced as 'y') would sleep in. ha! at 6.45 this morning, she was sure enough whining at the door, wanting to get up. damn dog.

but karaoke. after CHEESE* we went to bonner's for karaoke where totally fell in crush with a guy who was apparently doing the billy joel songbook. and the ones that make you melt even. when we came in he was doing "piano man" but followed up with "honesty" and "scenes from an italian restaurant." sigh.

*have i told you about CHEESE? it's a semi-regular weekly seminar given by two senior profs in our department. we meet at their lovely enormous house (paid for with the profits from a textbook, among other things. is he not adorable? in that german psychologist sort of way?) and hear one of our colleagues give a presentation on their current research (to get help with experimental design issues or some such) and, best of all, eat CHEESE. lila always provides a dee-lish spread of about 10 cheeses, a couple of hard cheeses, a couple of semi-softs, a couple of double or triple creams, a chevre or two, a roquefort maybe... this is served with crackers and bread and fruit, e.g. 2-3 kinds of grapes, berries, 2-3 kinds of olives, perhaps lichis, blood oranges, pears, starfruit, cherries, etc. halfway through, we break for cake (cake break!), which is always one chocolatey one and one fruity one. only wine would make the food better, but it would make the intellectual discussion worse, as the group is pretty rowdy and hard to control even sober.

veep veeeeep!

the veep speculation. it's crazy. on john kerry's website there are chat boards full of suggestions and speculation. there are the usual suggestions (john edwards, wes clark), the ridiculous suggestions (hillary clinton, *bill* clinton), the logical suggestions (IL gov. evan bayh, NM gov. bill richardson), and the radical (AZ sen. john mcCain).

think about that one for a minute. john mcCain. a republican on a democratic presidential ticket. on the one hand, it's nuts. i mean, john mcCain is a man of integrity and principle, but he's a rePUBlican. he's pro-life, for chrissakes. on the other hand, it's brilliant: mcCain on the ticket would moderate kerry's liberalness. it would give the republicans and independents out there who don't like bush but don't see another option a way to vote democratic. it would be the political move of the century. it would probably give kerry a landslide. just thinking about it gives me goosebumps. not that it'll happen. actually, after i read the name, i emailed larry sabato, genius behind the crystal ball (which i can't get enough of--who thought the ins and outs of the electoral college could be so fascinating?). anyway, i emailed him to ask about mcCain, and here's what he had to say:

Your idea has been much discussed. But McCain has already insisted he won't take it. And despite his hatred for Bush, McCain is very conservative on abortion and many other social issues. Democrats simply wouldn't accept his nomination, even if Kerry wanted it! Both parties today are full of ideologues who insist that it is their way or the highway.
since he wrote me that, mcCain has said he'd at least think about it, though his office says that there's no way. man, the british bookies oughta be taking bets on this.

regardless of whether anything more comes of this, just the idea that way-left dems like me are even conSIDering this idea at ALL is indicative of how far the bush presidency has driven us.

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