all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

clearly, i am too sedentary

today i am tired and sore. ha HA! you say, it must have been all the nudge-nudge wink-wink say no more that you've been doing to try out the new sex toys you bought at b----'s bachelorette party! sadly, no. we have done some nudge-nudge wink-wink say no more, but not enough to be sore (and by the way, i'm pretty sure i'm not athletic enough to be doing the kind of nudge-nudge stuff that leads to getting sore. i'm just saying). plus, i'm saving 2 of the toys for valentine's day.

no, the tired and the sore are keepsakes from yesterday's action-packed day in the snow. it started out with going out to the barn to ride, which involves treking out to the big front field to get hugo (who of course was hanging out in the far corner of the field, and very helpfully not coming to me as i approached) through the unplowed foot+ of snow. then riding itself was sore-inducing since hugo hadn't been ridden in over a week and all that leisure time had given him enough energy to do a pretty damn good impression of a freight train. so i spent a good deal of energy trying to keep in to a reasonable pace. then more trudging through the snow to put him back in the field.

when i got back to the city, of course my parking spot had been taken, so i had to shovel out a new one before i could park my car. shovel shovel shovel.

after a (luxurious) shower i had to book it to school, stopping at 7-11 for a coffee and food product, to get to class on time. i didn't make it. but i was only a minute or so late, and there was nothing to hand out (handing out stuff in a class of 90-100 students is time-consuming) so i got to drink my coffee in peace.

two hours of trying to do some work (aka, catching up on blog-reading), then off to my own class, where i get to stand for 3 hours, teaching.

finally, the night ends with another slog through the snow, walking unnaturally to keep from falling over, what with my unbalancing timbuk2 bag full of textbooks slung over my shoulder.

thank you to the boy for suggesting delivery chinese for dinner, meaning i could make dinner without moving from the couch, armed only with a menu and a phone.

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28 March 2007 - due date
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