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b o r o g o v e s

the superboob, version 2.0

whoo! what a weekend. you know what i'm talking about, uh huh uh huh. not the 6 planes from britain to washington d.c. that were cancelled due to terrorism threats. not the fact that 251 people were trampled to death last week during the hajj in saudi arabia.* not that bush has finally relented and agreed to form an independant investigation committee to look at intelligence failures wrt weapons of mass destruction. no no. it's the failure of janet jackson's clothing to stay on her body.

this is great! great i tell you. football is so damn irritating to watch, what with all the standing around and the commercial breaks for time-outs. but hey, if we can all get a view of janet's boobs, then hell, i'll watch football too. the fuss that everyone's kicking up around this is hilarious. i mean, really, do you expect us to believe this was a clothing "malfunction". puh-LEEZ. the way justin reached around her to grab the leather? the fact that he was just then singing "i'll have you naked by the end of this song"? (which, for the record, is a promise he did not actually come through on. i think THAT should be the real story. justin promised nudity and all we got was a pasty covered breast! i feel cheated!) the fact that she was all prepared with the "sun-shaped metal object"? 'course, now all the family values media outlets are trying to cover their tit--i mean asses, by saying how shocked and disapproving they all are. but all y'all with tivo did the same thing we did last night, didn't ya, and flipped back a few seconds to see it again. in slow mo'. (go tivo!) to sum up: america needs more nudity. we are, as a nation, too prudish for our pasties.

*did you hear that comment by the saudi hajj minister, iyad madani, where he said it was "god's will" that all those people died? holy shit! god's will? that people should die violently while on the holiest of travels? whoa. that is some statement.

on a lighter note, some people are cooler than others. (i have a cousin once-removed (the son of my cousin) who is named R----- D----- M--- V. the fifth, that is. (my grandfather was Junior). it was controversial, within the family, having a fifth.* i, for one, was against it. on the other hand, having a RDM 5.0 might have panache. or at least kitch value. and hey, let's be honest. it's not like my family is in it for the panache.

*a friend of a friend is named N---- P---- B------- XV. the fifteenth! i kid you not! talk about the pressure--that guy has *got* to have kids. i mean 15 generations. let's call it 22 years between generations, just to pick a number that sounds good, and that's over 330 years ago that NPB the first was born. if it were me, there'd be NO WAY i'd be the one to end the tradition. there would *have* to be some bad karma if you ended it.

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