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b o r o g o v e s

thanksgiving, when i lust over gravy boats

i have a confession. i am a sucker for china. the dishware, not the country. not that i don't like the country--i've never been, but hope to, and am sure i will love it. anyway, china. i was totally excited to get new china when i got married, and am more in love with mine, a new all-white modern bone china pattern from wedgewood, than is proper.

when we were deciding on what to register for, karl wondered if we actually needed both fine china and new casual china. i was totally ashamed to admit it, because it doesn't jive with the modern, unencumbered by crap image i try to project, but i sooooo wanted china. looking at all those lovely dishes on the store display shelves made me almost giddy. when my mom suggested that if/when i was a foreign service officer of some rank, i would need fancy china for all the VIP dinners i would be hosting, i totally clung to that excuse (legit, but not why i wanted new china).

anyway, we were giving some serving pieces of our pattern by the family friends with whom we spend thanksgiving each year. i totally planned my contribution to the semi-potluck thanksgiving dinner around what would go well in the beautiful asymmetric serving bowl (see page 2 of the link above, 2nd row, 3rd from left) we had gotten from them. (i made roasted butternut squash with cilantro-lime sour cream) mrs. smith just sent me an email saying how much she'd enjoyed thanksgiving, as usual, and making a particular point to say how much she liked my china and how touched she was that i'd brought my dish in it. i don't know what's wrong with me (are there marriage hormones?) but i nearly got weepy reading her note because i love ~her~ china pattern* so much, and generally think she has great taste in art/decor.

*her china pattern is "zauberfl�te" by rosenthal. here's a picture, though this is of the gold setting while mrs. smith has the white version. and oh my god i'm just noticing the *prices* of her settings: over $500 per place setting for the white version, double for the gold. hole. lee. shit. anyway, her pattern has a shiny white center with matte white rims with scenes from the magic flute, and quotes from the opera written in gold on the back of the pieces. serving pieces have shiny bottoms and matte-with-scenes lids, with gorgeous pointy tops.

ok, i have to stop now because i feel a litte too martha stewart. i'm off to buy a 40 of schlitz, sit on the stoop , and make suggestive comments at passers-by.

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