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b o r o g o v e s

so sad no blue hair, aka corporate america sucks

so sad no blue hair, aka corporate america sucks

okay, i've tried writing this entry twice now (welcome to try #3), and my browser keeps crashing, so i'm just going to give the basics because i'm tired of writing it over and over again. the whole story was better, but this is what you're getting.

i dyed karl's hair electric blue over the weekend. it was lovely and super and karl thought so too. on monday at work, he got in trouble for having blue hair. something about corporate image. his company (he's a web developer) is working on site at the advertising company for which they are building a website. though no one at the advertising company said anything, karl's boss was told (by *his* boss) to write him up, and karl was told that he should not return to work until his hair was a natural color (though apparently, ultrablonde (as in spike from buffy the vampire slayer) counts as natural).

so on tuesday morning (yesterday, that would be), i bleached his hair again (that's 3 times in as many weeks, if you're counting. we'll see when it falls out). it turned out great, actually. very little yellow tinge at all--the bleach this time: clairol's maxi blonde has a toner added. but the point is that he shouldn't have had to do it at all. he should have been able to leave his hair blue. it's not as if he, a programmer who works all day in a small room out of site of the rest of the company, is in view of clients. and, the president of the advertising company said he liked it. twice! and, his hair color has no effect on the quality of his work. and, he should be allowed to express himself through his hair color if he wishes--there's nothing in his contract about hair color. and, corporate america needs to LIGHTEN UP; all those suits could use a good dose of individuality.

so karl did what they told him. though i wonder what, if anything, they could have done if he had refused. anyone out there have any legal expertise? could karl's company have forced him to re-dye his hair? could he have been fired for refusing? i suspect not, but of course, i have no idea really.

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