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b o r o g o v e s

just some random sh*t. you know the kind.

just some random sh*t. you know the kind.

i have no ideay why i censored myself in the title of today's entry. not like i haven't said 'shit' (ooo, ooooooh, she said shit! ooo, she said shit again!), and things more explicit, in entries past. whatever.

mark it, today i got notice that we, the scordatura quartet, are *actually getting paid* for that gig we did weeks ago. yippee! $62.50 for .5 hours of my time! (can i put that down on any future resumes i might draft as my expected salary? let's see... $62.50/half hour = $125/hour = $5000/week = inthenameofallthingssecular $260,000/year. ummmmm, yeah, like i'll EVER make that much.)

mom went to her first dog obedience class wednesday. the first class was "parents-only." presumably they heard all about the class philosophy. they also got homework: to teach their dogs the silent sit command. one does this by holding a small treat (in this case, a bit of hot dog) in one's fist, directly in front of the dog's nose (not above, or the dog will jump for it), silently, until the dog sits. immediately upon sitting, the dog gets the treat and lots of verbal praise. ciara already knows verbal sit, and apparently this is harder to teach, but whatever. i'm all for this dog learnin' stuff. and how cool is it going to be to be able to put my fist in front of her nose and get her to sit? THIS COOL, i tell you what!

today is karl's and my two-month anniversary. and yes, you may now beat me silly for even marking such a thing as a two-MONTH anniversary. ***at least we're not going out to dinner or anything to celebrate*** (well, we probably will go out to dinner, but not to celebrate. rather, to eat. plain and simple.) oh, and we may go see polywumpus, a local improv comedy troupe. dunno if they'll be good, but i did enjoy a bit of improv comedy back in high school (theatre sports) and college (when ben, my then b.f., was a member of the boston-based comedy troupe the id).

speaking of karl, it's time to go home, so i can see him. buh-bye.

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28 March 2007 - due date
16 March 2007 - 14-38
16 March 2007 - 14-38
01 February 2007 - 32 weeks
06 December 2006 - 24 weeks


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