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b o r o g o v e s

all-star thursday

it was celebrity thursday at the white dog cafe. first, the manager comes walking around, saying she doesn't know where to seat the supermodel who's coming in at 2. supermodel? what supermodel? she didn't remember her name.

she came in at 2, and we all tried to steal furtive looks. who is she? no one recognized her. finally we found out that she is carrie otis. i didn't know who she was (until i got back here to look it up), so wondered what was up. i mean, she was thin, but not supermodel thin, and i wondered. anyway, there you have it. carrie otis. supermodel. white dog patron.

oh. in case you were wondering, for lunch she had a large salad of mixed greens and hard-boiled eggs, no dressing, and tea.

after the supermodel came in, dr. ruth came in. for real. dr. ruth. she gave her waitress boyfriend advice ("just wash that man right out of your life") and instructed her dining companion to bring her here again next time she's in town. tomorrow, karl and i are having a house-warming. yesterday we bought beer. bought 4 cases of beer, a case of smirnoff ice, and a case of mike's hard lemonade. in pennsylvania, you have to buy beer by the case, unless you want to spend $10 on a 6-pack at a bar, because pennsylvania has some screw-ass liquor laws. beer can only be sold by a beer distributor, who doesn't tend to sell anything else, besides the occasional 2-liter of soda. wine and liquor are sold at "wine and spirits shoppes" (not kidding about the psuedo-quaint "shoppes"). buying alcohol in this state is a major annoyance. anyhow, that's the story. beer. party. i'll let you know.

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voyeurs since 8.8.2001

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28 March 2007 - due date
16 March 2007 - 14-38
16 March 2007 - 14-38
01 February 2007 - 32 weeks
06 December 2006 - 24 weeks


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