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b o r o g o v e s

last day at the dog

yesterday was my last scheduled shift at the white dog (and there was much rejoicing. yaaaaaay.) and what a day it was.

all going along as usual until my 12-top at 12.30. turns out they were a bunch of waiters (basically, the best customers to have). i start hearing the cha-chings when they start off the day by ordering 2 bottles of our $45-a-bottle champagne (sparkling wine) (roederer, if you were wondering). turns out those were our last 2 bottles of roederer, so when they ordered 2 more, they had to have the $30-a-bottle mirabella. they drank 6 of those, finishing out our stock (it's the end of the week!), so when they ordered their last bottle, i had to give them our best champagne (sparkling wine), the $65-a-bottle iron horse wedding cuvee. for the mirabella price. so, that's a total of 9 bottles of champagne (sparkling wine). the best part was when i asked if they were driving home (hoping not, of course), and they burst into loud drunken laughter. "doll! of COURSE we're not driving! we're cab people!" with that they all clinked glasses (toasting, perhaps, my ridiculous insinuation?) and celebrated their cab status with another bottle of champagne. final bill: $512. tip: $120. what a send-off!

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increasingly stale
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voyeurs since 8.8.2001

recently written! still tasty! now 50% off--get yours today!

28 March 2007 - due date
16 March 2007 - 14-38
16 March 2007 - 14-38
01 February 2007 - 32 weeks
06 December 2006 - 24 weeks


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