all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

adventure! maybe!

adventure! maybe!

erica, my friend doing relief work in kosovo, and i were planning to meet in athens for new year's. kosovo is only a 10-hour bus ride from greece, and i'm hooked up with plane fare, what with a dad in the airline business. i got email from her today suggesting we change our plans to go to sarajevo instead.


    Okay, here's the deal: a bunch of people here were making holiday plans, and they have decided to go to Sarajevo for new year's. they'll go by car from Kosovo through Montenegro and Croatia and into Bosnia.

    So, my proposal for you is: let's go to Sarajevo! The Acropolis will always be there--but Yugoslavia won't be the same for very much longer, and what other opportunity will you have to road-trip through the Balkans with an international group of very cool people. Nelly is thinking about coming back from France just for this trip; Sherine is going to convince her hip Scottish roommate to go. In short: do you want to be tourists, or do you want to be adventurers? All you have to do is get yourselves to either Kosovo or, if that seems too daunting (though it's not, really), to Dubrovnik. Say yes!

i'd love to go to sarajevo on a road-trip for new year's! talk about adventure! but we'll see. first, there's the issue of safety, and how it's not so much safe in that part of the world right now. second, how'm i gonna get there? delta doesn't fly there, as it happens (and i certainly can't afford to shell out big bucks for a real ticket!). updates to follow.

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