all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

okay, maybe not quite so much adventure

okay, so maybe not quite so much adventure

ingrid wrote erica and me today, explaining her reasons for not wanting to go to sarajevo for new year's--to go to greece instead (as originally planned). she's concerned about the danger (there is a travel warning out for bosnia, as it happens), and the time involved, since she's gotta be back by january 6, and there's no telling how long a road trip through kosovo/croatia/bosnia would take. on my end, i've done a little homework, and turns out we could only get to either venice or vienna on my travel pass, and neither of those places are particularly close to kosovo/sarajevo.

so, ingrid votes for greece, and i'm relieved. i'd love the adventure of going to sarajevo (plus it's supposed to be a beautiful city, as is dubrovnik), but i just can't afford it.

more updates to follow, as i attempt to have cool new year's plans for the (real) turn of the millennium.

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