all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

years past...

2006: which is right now!
2005: in which i rang in the new year in edinburgh, lost my brother-in-law michael, got fired and rehired from the class i was ta-ing, finally got rid of my beloved 87 accord, bought a new car with karl, got engaged, lost my dear miss fergusson, had yet another effing grad school funding crisis, turned 30, visited mexico for the first time, GOT MARRIED!, got medical and security clearances from the state department, and worked on my *&$%#@+ dissertation
2004: in which i went skiing again and lost a toenail AGAIN (but i swear this is the last time), spent waaaaaay more money on my car that any reasonable person should, took and passed the foreign service written exam, had a family reunion in tucson, rode in horse shows, turned 29, bought a house, celebrated 3 years with my sweetie, spent a lot of time at h0me dep0t, spent a lot of money on home improvement, took and passed the foreign service oral exam, dispaired about the future of our country, what with the shrub back in office, got 2 cats, and spent new years in edinburgh.
2003: in which i stopped waitressing, lived off the grant, went skiing again, lost a toenail again, spent mom's day with mom and grandma, taught psych of language for the second time, saw cirque du soleil, spent the 4th of july with 250,000 of my closest friends in nyc, contributed money to a political campaign for the first time ever (go Dean!), went to tenerife, went to st. thomas (ahhh), drove all around england for thanksgiving, watched my sister get a masters degree at the canterbury cathedral, started to get sick of still being in school, started leasing a horse (random!), and ate a lot of cheese
2002: in which i went skiing, lost a toenail, lost wuza, went to england twice, lost funding, didn't win a grant, maybe won a grant, started waitressing, and had a nice christmas
2001: in which i had ex-sex, took and failed then took and passed my qualifying exams, watched my dog die, had a summer of lovin', watched the world change, met karl, camped in california, and generally had a good time
2000: in which i started this diary, separated and broke up with my fiance, road-tripped around the country, moved to philadelphia, took my last official class, and questioned every decision

20 December 2002 - holiday anxiety
18 December 2002 - my latest gaff, a new baby
12 December 2002 - what occupies the borogoves
06 December 2002 - what the hell do i care, anyway?
05 December 2002 - tickle me, baby
04 December 2002 - gilt
02 December 2002 - god danced
26 November 2002 - riding
25 November 2002 - co-habitation is mostly good
19 November 2002 - lora, aka erlenweg6
13 November 2002 - you're on notice
07 November 2002 - all-star thursday
30 October 2002 - loretta
23 October 2002 - rock on wednesday
21 October 2002 - theme days
18 October 2002 - drunk driving
17 October 2002 - how can people be so short-sighted?
11 October 2002 - it's like scotland yard
10 October 2002 - too many things going on!
02 October 2002 - i do not sound like this! or, sound file hell
02 October 2002 - smite, smote, smitten
01 October 2002 - dressage at devon
22 September 2002 - moving hell, part deux
19 September 2002 - first day at the white dog
18 September 2002 - back from ye olde countrie
06 September 2002 - off to england again
03 September 2002 - moving can bite my ass
03 September 2002 - st. thomas
22 August 2002 - i am the provider of tuna
19 August 2002 - up*nn dot f*rsale
16 August 2002 - the apartment-hunting dream that you are not going to care about
13 August 2002 - so much news!
29 July 2002 - the midterm, and some jokes
28 July 2002 - moving in
26 July 2002 - looming poverty
24 July 2002 - of q and fingerless two-year-olds
23 July 2002 - the status of things
19 July 2002 - yellow jersey
15 July 2002 - triple w
15 July 2002 - book reorganization
12 July 2002 - another clue
10 July 2002 - under god
10 July 2002 - upcoming travel adventures
08 July 2002 - priority score
06 July 2002 - 27
02 July 2002 - family reunion, arnold style
26 June 2002 - it's hot, so i'm peevy
24 June 2002 - borogoves is...
21 June 2002 - randomness on too little sleep
20 June 2002 - book of the dead
20 June 2002 - whiney whiney italy
17 June 2002 - cretins at the bards
13 June 2002 - bad news about fergie
13 June 2002 - heh heh. argentina.
10 June 2002 - england, or yes, there were lots of wet sheep
06 June 2002 - farewell, wuza
20 May 2002 - the study group goes to new york
15 May 2002 - eek! i forgot about new york!
14 May 2002 - goddamn spearfuckingtoss game
14 May 2002 - mother's day
08 May 2002 - i'm a pretend gardener
07 May 2002 - heh heh
06 May 2002 - jealousy
01 May 2002 - from the reality check files
29 April 2002 - hondas are hot-rods--dig?
24 April 2002 - swartzenegger becomes a mathematical biologist
23 April 2002 - the great moving in question
22 April 2002 - toenail
19 April 2002 - of afghanistan and masturbation
17 April 2002 - really, i got nuttin to say
12 April 2002 - in which i have gateway's babies
11 April 2002 - movies and mobiles
10 April 2002 - in which things get done
09 April 2002 - movie night, take 1
03 April 2002 - slava!
26 March 2002 - computer problems
21 March 2002 - 15th annual cuny
20 March 2002 - karaoke!
19 March 2002 - what grad school's about
18 March 2002 - six months
18 March 2002 - theme song
14 March 2002 - working hard on the grant
13 March 2002 - yates verdict
12 March 2002 - [insert chinese fortune here] in bed
07 March 2002 - in the world of fruit salad
06 March 2002 - boring recounting of my time
05 March 2002 - to give or not to give
04 March 2002 - silly links
28 February 2002 - swollen parcel of dropsies
25 February 2002 - rhymes with 'ick'
21 February 2002 - skiing in steamboat
12 February 2002 - of chocolate fries and vegetable gardens
11 February 2002 - sumo _______
08 February 2002 -
talking with john about heather
08 February 2002 - awwwwwwwww
07 February 2002 - i diary, therefore i live
05 February 2002 - can we hire someone every semester? aka "ode to the white dog"
04 February 2002 -
don't let friends drive after gaming
01 February 2002 - tuuuuuuuuna
31 January 2002 - it's not even swimsuit season yet
30 January 2002 - amusement
29 January 2002 - the haven't-written-in-a-while update
25 January 2002 - i feel boring
24 January 2002 - yo it's my music diggit
22 January 2002 - sneezing cows
15 January 2002 - ungrateful little snit
14 January 2002 - tour of rittenhouse coffeeshops
11 January 2002 - in which things are moist
10 January 2002 - rollin rollin rollin
07 January 2002 - back to work
02 January 2002 - 2002

fresh baked
increasingly stale
the quick & dirty

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