all mimsy were the

b o r o g o v e s

years past...

2006: which is right now!
2005: in which i rang in the new year in edinburgh, lost my brother-in-law michael, got fired and rehired from the class i was ta-ing, finally got rid of my beloved 87 accord, bought a new car with karl, got engaged, lost my dear miss fergusson, had yet another effing grad school funding crisis, turned 30, visited mexico for the first time, GOT MARRIED!, got medical and security clearances from the state department, and worked on my *&$%#@+ dissertation
2004: in which i went skiing again and lost a toenail AGAIN (but i swear this is the last time), spent waaaaaay more money on my car that any reasonable person should, took and passed the foreign service written exam, had a family reunion in tucson, rode in horse shows, turned 29, bought a house, celebrated 3 years with my sweetie, spent a lot of time at h0me dep0t, spent a lot of money on home improvement, took and passed the foreign service oral exam, dispaired about the future of our country, what with the shrub back in office, got 2 cats, and spent new years in edinburgh.
2003: in which i stopped waitressing, lived off the grant, went skiing again, lost a toenail again, spent mom's day with mom and grandma, taught psych of language for the second time, saw cirque du soleil, spent the 4th of july with 250,000 of my closest friends in nyc, contributed money to a political campaign for the first time ever (go Dean!), went to tenerife, went to st. thomas (ahhh), drove all around england for thanksgiving, watched my sister get a masters degree at the canterbury cathedral, started to get sick of still being in school, started leasing a horse (random!), and ate a lot of cheese
2002: in which i went skiing, lost a toenail, lost wuza, went to england twice, lost funding, didn't win a grant, maybe won a grant, started waitressing, and had a nice christmas
2001: in which i had ex-sex, took and failed then took and passed my qualifying exams, watched my dog die, had a summer of lovin', watched the world change, met karl, camped in california, and generally had a good time
2000: in which i started this diary, separated and broke up with my fiance, road-tripped around the country, moved to philadelphia, took my last official class, and questioned every decision

25 December 2001 - merry christmas!
20 December 2001 - oh those crazy google searches...
20 December 2001 - christmas loves
19 December 2001 - 1066
19 December 2001 - perception questions
17 December 2001 - happy birthday karl!
17 December 2001 - jen update
13 December 2001 - the beer sem brouhaha
13 December 2001 - . . . m u s i c . . .
12 December 2001 - heather
10 December 2001 - thanks mangus!
10 December 2001 - less freakout, more love
07 December 2001 - late night procrastination
06 December 2001 - oooh! oooooh! just the one more personality test, 'kay?
06 December 2001 - more personality tests
06 December 2001 - pre-lecture pick-up
04 December 2001 - my work(s) of art
03 December 2001 - rachel rant
02 December 2001 - new york, new york
30 November 2001 - the i-hate-andreas-vollenweider club
29 November 2001 - go.vertical
28 November 2001 - one little thing
27 November 2001 - christmas wish lists
26 November 2001 - thanksgiving2001
26 November 2001 - drunk british boy
21 November 2001 - in which i dawdle
20 November 2001 - how early is too early?
19 November 2001 - time erosion
19 November 2001 - the big L
16 November 2001 - just some random sh*t. you know the kind.
14 November 2001 - so sad no blue hair, aka corporate america sucks
11 November 2001 - another development in the whole karl/love thing
11 November 2001 - last couple of weeks with ciara
09 November 2001 - under the heading of college being great
09 November 2001 - last night at karl's house, with david
09 November 2001 - karl's new digs
06 November 2001 - new computer! new computer!
04 November 2001 - sexsexsexsexsex
04 November 2001 - cast party and first lindy lesson
02 November 2001 - too much karl? naaaaah...
02 November 2001 - meta-diary 2
02 November 2001 - much ado about the underground shakespeare company
31 October 2001 - get-up
25 October 2001 - hanging out with john
25 October 2001 - i passed!
23 October 2001 - swing dancing and lab sex
23 October 2001 - first real quartet rehearsal, thoughts on karl
22 October 2001 - orange hair
16 October 2001 - scordatura quartet
15 October 2001 - can't believe i'm thinking this...
08 October 2001 - gyn
02 October 2001 - karl: still around -- health update
24 September 2001 - hey dyon: how's THIS for an ego search?
21 September 2001 - old glory
21 September 2001 - 24 hours with karl
18 September 2001 - red
17 September 2001 - karl, specifically; first dates, generally
11 September 2001 - holy fucking shit
09 September 2001 - philadelphia fringe festival, 2001
06 September 2001 - new 'puter
03 September 2001 - music director-ship
01 September 2001 - dad
31 August 2001 - the quick & dirty
29 August 2001 - the anti-moulin rouge
26 August 2001 - ren faire 2001
2001-08-25 - news about martin
2001-08-23 - dum dum dum DUM! entry number one hundred
2001-08-22 - in which i want to be a spider plant
2001-08-20 - wood between my legs
2001-08-20 - why i love west philly, reason #184
2001-08-20 - bonsai kitten
2001-08-20 - i need your advice
2001-08-15 - whiz wit
2001-08-13 - john and heather
2001-08-13 - religion
2001-08-11 - the fucker stood me up!
2001-08-10 - gunshy
2001-08-09 - connectivity. or rather, not so much connectivity.
2001-08-08 - the frantic diary pace continues
2001-08-08 - professor poopypants
2001-08-08 - jabberwocky
2001-08-08 - doesn't anyone else have nothing to do?
2001-08-08 - fav books
2001-08-08 - heat emergency
2001-08-08 - the day of way too many entries
2001-08-08 - yawn. [i WISH.]
2001-08-08 - maybe it was the thai iced coffee?
2001-08-08 - depeche mode
2001-08-07 - little nothings
2001-08-07 - early relationship angst
2001-08-06 - no more braids -- erica's back!
2001-08-05 - the river of life
2001-08-02 - last night's date with martin
2001-07-31 - king range, ho!
2001-07-06 - happy 26th!
2001-07-05 - BAH! insecurity!
2001-07-03 - hair braiding recon
2001-07-02 - helllll-llllo dawn
2001-06-30 - the borogoves principle
2001-06-29 - boys all over!
2001-06-22 - meta-diary
2001-06-20 - personals gems
2001-06-18 - i hate myself productions
2001-06-17 - sex with john -- date with ryan
2001-06-15 - new celebrity list! -- my first "personals-ad" date
2001-06-12 - reaction from oklahoma city victims
2001-06-11 - the death penalty
2001-06-07 - barnes foundation -- personal ad responses
2001-06-06 - my fielding sucks!
2001-06-04 - foray into the personals -- psi jung -- book sale -- moulin rouge -- sex with john
2001-05-24 - jim jeffords gets a gold star -- so does guy pearce...
2001-05-17 - behind our backs
2001-05-15 - my first major failure
2001-05-10 - sadie, the end
2001-05-08 - sadie
2001-05-05 - up and down, exams and sadie
2001-04-30 - the day before
2001-04-23 - "white bitch"
2001-04-22 - am i a hypocrite?
2001-04-06 - apropos of nothing
2001-03-21 - oh, the irony
2001-03-13 - busy busy
2001-03-05 - the snow storm that wasn't
2001-02-21 - new year's eve in greece!
2001-02-21 - dress rehearsal, tonight! -- weight update
2001-02-17 - back on the plan, man
2001-02-12 - general life update
2001-01-31 - ups and downs

fresh baked
increasingly stale
the quick & dirty

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